
Proust’s memory cakes aka Madeleines

I took up French when I was in high school and we had this substitute, who I’ll call Mme. S, that regularly brought in homemade madeleines. Mme. S was an older French woman so for her, madeleines were possibly part of her family tradition.

As for me, I have picked up madeleines here and there at coffee shops or diners. Only last fall did I make them for the first time. I learned that the madeleine pans are quite expensive, but I bought one from Amazon.com using a gift card and off I went. This morning I was in South Philly and stopped into Fantes and found another madeleine pan, a mold with a different shell shape that was pretty reasonably priced. So, I had more lemons to use up and this new pan to try out. So when I got home, after doing some boring chores, I decided to make up some madeleines. The recipe I use comes from Martha Stewart. I’m not sure the purpose of the 30 minutes resting of the batter, but the cakes always come out nicely. This time I added even more lemon juice plus, of course, some limoncello. I will be taking some of these to work tomorrow to brighten up some peoples’ day.

1 Response to “Proust’s memory cakes aka Madeleines”

  1. April 11, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    Wow, They look beautiful!

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